@spling/social-protocol - v1.5.9

Social Protocol

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Spling Labs - Social Protocol for building a solana on-chain social media platform.

If you have any questions about the SDK, join our Discord to get help!

Quick Setup


Install these dependencies over:


npm install @spling/social-protocol

If you plan to install the package in your react.js or next.js project, keep in mind that you need to install this package with the --no-optiona flag:

npm install @spling/social-protocol --no-optional

Setup (React Example)

import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
import * as anchor from '@project-serum/anchor'
import { SocialProtocol } from '@spling/social-protocol'
import { AnchorWallet, useWallet, Keypair } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react'

export default function SocialProtocol() {
const wallet = useWallet()

useEffect(() => {
;(async () => {
if (wallet?.publicKey) {
const payerWallet: Keypair = Keypair.generate()
const options = {
rpcUrl: "https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com/",
useIndexer: true
} as ProtocolOptions

// Initialize the social protocol
const socialProtocol = await new SocialProtocol(wallet, payerWallet, options).init()

// You can call now functions like:
const user = await socialProtocol.getUser(42)
}, [wallet?.publicKey])
return <div></div>

Setup (React Native Example)

import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
import { SocialProtocol } from '@spling/social-protocol'
import { Keypair } from "@solana/web3.js";

export default function SocialProtocol() {
useEffect(() => {
;(async () => {
const wallet: Keypair = Keypair.generate()
const payerWallet: Keypair = Keypair.generate()
const options = {
rpcUrl: "https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com/",
useIndexer: true
} as ProtocolOptions

// Initialize the social protocol
const socialProtocol = await new SocialProtocol(wallet, payerWallet, options).init()

// You can call now functions like:
const user = await socialProtocol.getUser(42)
}, [])

return <View></View>;

Setup (NodeJS Example)

import { SocialProtocol } from '@spling/social-protocol'
const wallet: Keypair = Keypair.generate()
const payerWallet: Keypair = Keypair.generate()
const options = {
rpcUrl: "https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com/",
useIndexer: true
} as ProtocolOptions

// Initialize the social protocol
const socialProtocol = await new SocialProtocol(wallet, payerWallet, options).init()

// You can call now functions like:
const user = await socialProtocol.getUser(42)

Starter templates

The starter template makes it easier for all developers to get started with their first on-chain social app. With the template you can directly start to develop your next social app based on our social protocol! @spling/social-protocol

package description
next.js Next.js - Starter Template
react.js React.js - Starter Template
react-native React Native - Starter Template

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